All Our Children Meow and Woof: December 2007

All Our Children Meow and Woof

I created this blog to sort through my emotions as Finnegan, a great Irish Wolfhound, fought bone cancer for nearly 26 months. Fortunately, his battle subsided for many months and during the course of the 26 months, I shared stories about his feline siblings. On August 8, 2008, Finny passed on in my husband's and my arms. He fought the good fight and he will always have a special place in my heart. *If you have a question, please write me at finnegandog at gmail dot com.*

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Public Finnegan Annoucement

Ahem. Is the mike on? Can you hear me?

Finnegan just hit the 18 month survival point! (loud cheers)

He seems to be doing very well and there is a good possibility (according to his vet) that the cancer will not come back.


Now back to your normal broadcasting.